Home 5 Event 5 PETCO dialogue sessions on the PET plastic sector waste management plan

PETCO dialogue sessions on the PET plastic sector waste management plan

17 July 2018

PETCO will host workshops around the country to present the PET Sector Waste Management Plan and to obtain feedback and comments from stakeholders.

The Plan needs to be submitted to DEA by 5th September 2018

Through these nationwide workshops we intend to create a meaningful space for feedback on the Plan from interested and affected parties.
The workshops will be held as follows:

Workshops will follow the following programme themes:

  1. Introduction and Context to the Plan.
  2. Discussion on the Plan: Questions, comments and clarification; Identification of issues that require further discussion
  3. Unpacking of issues that require further discussion.

Please click here to register, specifying which day and location are most convenient.

Please use this link to get a copy of the draft plan.
Please note: Comments made during the dialogue sessions will not be taken as official comments; comments submitted via email to [email protected] will be the only comments to be considered formally.